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Java Software Design Engineer (High-tech industry)Stoppen mislukt SW/IT: Hooijmans, Anton Opdrachtgever ASMLContactpersoon Erik Eestermans Vacature 3802.Java So

You will be part ofthe software groups, which addresses the high-techequipment stability and process control. You will createsoftware in Java SE or Java EE, contributing to the development ofcontroller software in a Scrum / Agile way ofworking.

Since you’ll be working on veryadvanced, cutting edge technology, where multiple teams anddisciplines are involved, you’ll work in close collaboration withseveral teams to together deliver and integrate solutions tocomplex problems, as to enhance the controlcapability.

You will work in close contactwith Team leads and Architects. In this position you will act assoftware professional. You will apply software engineeringpractices such as implementation in Java, testing and integrationon the computing platform. You will gain knowledge oncomplex mathematical control algorithms and the controllerapplications, estimation, optimization algorithms, andworkflows.


Bachelor or Master degreein Computer Science, Information Technology, Mathematics,Electronics or Physics (with a focus onsoftware).


·   Recentexperience in programming in Java (SE /EE);

·   Experiencein Object Oriented (OO) development;

·   Experiencein the development of technical software for hightech equipment isa pre;

·   Experiencein working in an Agile / Scrum manner;

·   Willingnessto further expand your knowledge on complex mathematicalalgorithms;

·   Preferablyknowledge of Swing and JavaFx.


We expect you to be a goodcommunicator, team player, self-starter, to take initiative and tobe result oriented. You have a good command of the Englishlanguage, both in writing and in speech and are willing tolearn the Dutch language.

Theright candidate will be provided a challenging and varied positionin a professional, high-tech environment. An appropriate salarybased on your experience and education. Future prospects andexcellent benefits are evident. After a period of secondment andfunctioning properly, you can be contracted by our client. Goodsecondary conditions such as a minimum of 25 holidays and 8,33%holiday allowance. Courses to develop yourself professionally andpersonally via Trinamics Academy. Discount on your healthcare andreferral bonusses and fun activities. Certain pre-employmentscreening checks may be part of this vacancy procedure.

Een mooie baan bij één van onze toonaangevendeopdrachtgevers. Een goed salaris, doorgroeimogelijkheden enuitstekende secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden. Minimaal 25vakantiedagen en 8,33% vakantietoeslag. Overname door deopdrachtgever na een periode van detachering en bij goedfunctioneren. Bij Trinamics krijg je leuke extra's: referralbonussen, korting op je zorgverzekering en activiteiten(voetbaltoernooi, kerstborrel etc.) Bepaalde pre-employmentscreening checks kunnen onderdeel zijn van deze vacatureprocedure.

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Java Software Design Engineer (High-tech industry)Stoppen mislukt SW/IT: Hooijmans, Anton Opdrachtgever ASMLContactpersoon Erik Eestermans Vacature 3802.Java So

Trinamics Beheer B.V.
Tijdelijk, Voltijds
ICT, Design Engineer, Java Developer
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