Junior Demurrage Analyst
LUKOIL Benelux BV(Rotterdam) is a subsidiary ofthe Swiss trading company LITASCO SA, which is part of, one of theworld’s largest vertically integrated companies for the productionof crude oil & gas, and for their refining into petroleumproducts and petrochemicals. LUKOIL Benelux B.V. is a prominent anddynamic company in the trade of oil products in the ARA region(Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp) and other parts of the world. Inaddition, LUKOIL Benelux B.V. is providing LITASCO with operationaland logistics support services in the trading of oil products inand outside the ARA region.
In the ARAregion, headquartered in Rotterdam at the “Kop van Zuid”(Maastoren) next to the Erasmus bridge, LUKOIL Benelux offers anexcellent career opportunity for an analytically strong andwell-organized
Junior DemurrageAnalyst
Rotterdam – fulltime
In the role ofJunior Demurrage Analyst and as a professional member of theDemurrage Team, you will help to ensure efficient and thoroughmanagement of demurrage claims in order to minimize demurrage costsfor the company and to maximize recovery of demurrage claims byother parties. The main responsibilities of the job are in 2 resultareas:
- Ensure that all claims for recovering demurrage aretimely issued and sent out complete with all supportingdocuments;
- making accruals in thesystem;
- issuinginvoices;
- ensure response and formalreceipt confirmation;
- keeping records ofclaim sent/received;
- managing set-offand claim finalization projects.
Administrative, financialand reporting
- Organize and monitor accurate demurrage records in orderto have at all times a precise overview of status, progress andrecovery process of indemnities due to Demurrage or other timerelated claims;
- Provide reports andanalysis of individual business partners to Trading desk andManagement;
- Maintain closecommunication, co-ordination and information exchange withOperations and Trading on potential demurrageclaims;
- Identify trends or recurringevents in demurrage claims by addressing root causes in contracts,charterparties, GT&C’s, in order to increase demurrageawareness and expertise.
Yourprofessional profile
- At least 1-2 years of working experience,ideally in an international trading environment (oil & gasindustry, shipping, bunkering, transport etc.)
- BSc or higher degree in Shipping Management, MarinePolicy, Marine Law, Supply chain logistics, operations management,or equivalent by experience
- Fluency in English(command of Dutch or any other languages is a plus)
- Knowledge of Oil Operations, Documentation andProcedures
- Good understanding of Trading andFreight Finance and Controls
- Awareness ofShipboard/Terminal Operations
- Familiar withwith Term Contract Demurrage Clauses with third parties andShipping Term Contracts, shipping terms, Charter Parties and theirapplication
- Advanced knowledge of MS Officeand the ability to learn new systems (e.g. Hubse CMS,SAP).
Competencies &skills
- Good interpersonal, communication, organization andfollow-through
- Problem solvingskills
- Stress resistance; ability to work in afast-paced environment
- Team player
- Accuracy
LUKOIL Benelux BVoffers
A varied andinteresting position in a collegial and well-organized Demurrageteam. Great opportunity to work in a global oil & gas company.Working place in the bustling heart of Rotterdam (Maastoren, 36thfloor!). Excellent primary and secondary conditions, includingpension scheme. Sufficient training will be provided.
Does this unique job offerappeal to you? Want to know more?
Please contact Carlijn van den Bos, HR Consultant at BAPASArbeidspsychologen via +31-6-207162464 or e-mail info@bapas.nl.Visit also www.lukoilbeneluxbv.nl andwww.bapas.nl.
BAPAS – Bureau voorArbeidspsychologisch Advies & Selectie supports Lukoil Beneluxin the recruitment process for this position.
Quick & easy application through theApplication Button below.
Date of publishing: May7th, 2024
Closingdate: June 18th, 2024
If we find a suitable candidate before June18th, the vacancy will be closed earlier.