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Process Automation Support and Sustain Technician

At Dow, we believe in putting people first and we’re passionate about delivering integrity, respect and safety to our customers, our employees and the planet. 

Our people are at the heart of our solutions. They reflect the communities we live in and the world where we do business. Their diversity is our strength. We’re a community of relentless problem solvers that offers the daily opportunity to contribute with your perspective, transform industries and shape the future. Our purpose is simple - to deliver a sustainable future for the world through science and collaboration.If you’re looking for a challenge and meaningful role, you’re in the right place.

Over jou en deze rol

We hebben een uitdagende vacature als Process Control Support & Sustain Technician in Terneuzen, Nederland!

Deze functie maakt deel uit van de discipline Process Automation binnen TES (Technical Expertise and Support) en is software en Information Technology (I/T) georiënteerd. Het betreft support van proces-informatie systemen. Dit zijn computer systemen die proces gegevens (zoals temperatuur en druk) beschikbaar maken en opslaan voor plant-operations, waardoor de fabriek veilig en efficient kan worden bediend.

De Process Control Support & Sustain (S&S) Technician heeft twee hoofdverantwoordelijkheden. Ten eerste los je problemen op in de de reeds ge-installeerde proces-informatie systemen, zowel lokaal als wereldwijd (inclusief oproep dienst). Ten tweede voer je projectopdrachten uit voor de configuratie, het ontwerp, de ontwikkeling en de implementatie van proces-informatie systemen.

Technische uitdagingen zijn o.a. het verhogen van de beschikbaarheid van deze systemen en de toepassing en migratie naar cloud-based applicaties/oplossingen.

De functie biedt verder mogelijkheden te groeien van een lokaal naar een globaal georiënteerde rol in de Process Automation discipline (bij gebleken geschiktheid).


  • Je neemt deel aan een geïntegreerd team voor de ondersteuning van toepassingen van proces-informatie systemen, zowel in-house als commercieel.
  • Je lost problemen aan proces-informatie systemen en netwerken (software en hardware) op en rapporteert de oplossing in een ticket management systeem (ServiceNow).
  • Je biedt telefonische ondersteuning en ondersteuning op locatie om problemen met het proces-informatie systeem op te lossen.
  • Je test en ontwikkelt nieuwe toepassingen om de behoeften aan proces-informatie van chemische productie processen te ondersteunen.
  • Je verzorgt trainingen voor het personeel (d.w.z. kwaliteits-, veiligheids-, procescontrole-, runplant- en milieupersoneel) en deelt kennis met jouw S&S collega’s.
  • Je werkt samen met Project Leads, Manufacturing Representatives, Process Control Engineers, Environmental Engineers en Process Safety Engineers om proces-informatie installaties te ontwikkelen, configureren en implementeren.
  • Kwalificaties

  • Je hebt een technisch bachelordiploma (bv. ICT, Informatica of ingenieur).
  • Je bent in staat om te voldoen aan de minimumvereisten voor veiligheidstraining en om veiligheidsnormen toe te passen.
  • Je hebt programmeervaardigheden, bijvoorbeeld in een scriptingtaal, T-SQL en kan web-interfaces bevragen.
  • Je werkt nauwkeurig, met name bij het implementeren van configuraties.
  • Je werkt erg graag samen, maar individueel presteer je ook prima.
  • Je kunt communiceren in de Engelse en Nederlandse taal op B2 niveau of bent bereid dit te leren.
  • Je bent in staat om sommige avonden en weekenden oproepbaar te zijn voor een lokaal en wereldwijd roulerend oproepschema.
  • Gewenste vaardigheden

  • Je hebt relevantie ervaring met de toepassing van proces-informatie systemen en/of chemische productie.
  • Ervaring met gedistribueerde besturingssystemen (ABB Industrial IT), MES (Manufacturing Execution System) systemen, OPC varianten en industriele communicatie is een pluspunt.
  • Je bent in staat om probleemsituaties binnen de proces-automatisering en proces-informatie systemen te detecteren, te beoordelen, te analyseren en te voorzien in een passende oplossing.
  • Je hebt goede communicatieve (schriftelijk en mondeling) taalvaardigheden en het vermogen om een team te leiden. Beheersing van de lokale taal is een must voor lokale ondersteuning in de belangrijkste hublocaties en landen.
  • Je hebt kennis van computerhardware en kunt netwerkcomponenten onderscheiden.
  • Je hebt een gemiddelde tot gevorderde kennis van Windows.
  • English version

    About you and this role

    We have a challenging opportunity as a Process Control Support & Sustain Technician in Terneuzen, the Netherlands!

    This position is part of the Process Automation discipline within TES (Technical Expertise and Support) and is software and Information Technology (I/T) oriented. The field of work is supporting process-information systems. These are computer systems that make available, and store process data (such as temperature and pressure) for plant operations, allowing the factory to be operated safely and efficiently.

    The Process Control Support & Sustain (S&S) Technician has two main responsibilities. Firstly, you solve problems in the currently installed process-information systems, both locally and globally (including on-call service). Secondly, you participate in projects for the configuration, design, development, and implementation of process-information systems.

    Technical challenges include increasing the availability of these systems and the use of, and migration to, cloud-based solutions.

    The position offers opportunities to grow from a local to a globally oriented role in the Process Automation discipline (if proven suitable).


  • You participate in an integrated team for supporting process-information system applications, both in-house and commercial.
  • You solve problems with process-information systems and networks (software and hardware) and report the solution in a ticket management system (ServiceNow).
  • You provide telephone support and on-site support to resolve problems with the process-information system.
  • You test and develop new applications to support the process-information needs of chemical production processes.
  • You provide training for staff (i.e. quality, safety, process control, run plant and environmental staff) and share knowledge with your S&S colleagues.
  • You work together with Project Leads, Manufacturing Representatives, Process Control Engineers, Environmental Engineers and Process Safety Engineers to develop, configure and implement process-information installations.
  • Qualifications

  • You have a technical bachelor's degree (e.g. ICT, Computer Science, or engineering).
  • You are able to meet minimum safety training requirements and apply safety standards.
  • You have programming skills, for example in a scripting language, T-SQL and can query web-interfaces.
  • You work accurately, especially when implementing configurations.
  • You enjoy working together, but you also perform well individually.
  • You can communicate in the English and Dutch language at B2 level or are willing to learn.
  • You are able to be on call some evenings and weekends for a local and global rotating on-call schedule.
  • Desired skills

  • You have relevant experience with the application of process information systems and/or chemical production.
  • Experience with distributed control systems (ABB Industrial IT), MES (Manufacturing Execution System) systems, OPC variants and industrial communications is a plus.
  • You are able to detect, assess, analyze problem situations within the process-automation and process information environment and peripheral systems and provide a suitable solution.
  • You have good communication (written and oral) language skills and the ability to lead a team. Proficiency in the local language is a must for local support in key hub locations and countries.
  • You have knowledge of computer hardware and can distinguish network components.
  • You have an intermediate to advanced knowledge of Windows.
  • Benefits – What Dow offers you 

    We invest in you. 

    Dow invests in total rewards programs to help you manage all aspects of you: your pay, your health, your life, your future, and your career. You bring your background, talent and perspective to work every day. Dow rewards that commitment by investing in your total wellbeing.

    Here are just a few highlights of what you would be offered as a Dow employee: 

  • Equitable and market-competitive base pay and bonus opportunity across our global markets, along with locally relevant incentives. 
  • Benefits and programs to support your physical, mental and emotional well-being, to help you get the care you need...when you need it. 
  • Competitive retirement program that may include company-provided benefits, savings opportunities, financial planning and educational resources to help you achieve your long term financial-goals. 
  • Become a Dow shareholder through various employee stock programs.
  • Opportunities to learn and grow through training and mentoring, work experiences, community involvement and team building. 
  • Workplace culture empowering role-based flexibility to maximize personal productivity and balance personal needs. 
  • Global Paid Time Off (PTO) policies:Paid time off for new parents (birthing and non-birthing, including adoptive and foster parents). ​Paid time off to care for family members who are sick or injured. Paid time off to support volunteering and Employee Resource Group’s (ERG) participation. 
  • Join our team, we can make a difference together. 

    About Dow

    Dow (NYSE: DOW) is one of the world’s leading materials science companies, serving customers in high-growth markets such as packaging, infrastructure, mobility and consumer applications. Our global breadth, asset integration and scale, focused innovation, leading business positions and commitment to sustainability enable us to achieve profitable growth and help deliver a sustainable future. We operate manufacturing sites in 31 countries and employ approximately 35,900 people. Dow delivered sales of approximately $45 billion in 2023. References to Dow or the Company mean Dow Inc. and its subsidiaries. ​​​​Learn more about us and our ambition to be the most innovative, customer-centric, inclusive and sustainable materials science company in the world by visiting .

    As part of our dedication to the diversity of our workforce, Dow is committed to equal opportunities in employment. We encourage every employee to bring their whole self to work each day to not only deliver more value, but also have a more fulfilling career.

    Process Automation Support and Sustain Technician

    Vast contract, Voltijds
    Automation, Automatisatie / Robotica
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