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Senior Process Control Technician


Nouvall Engineering Services is specialized inproject support for the (petro) chemical and maritime industry.
We provide expertise in the field of Engineering,Project Management, Maintenance, Shutdowns, Construction andSafety.


Our client is busy with preparing of thereplacement of the existing control system, MOD5, by a new controlsystem ABB800xA, during the comming major turnarounds scheduled in2025 and 2027.

Thepreparation for DCS migration involves extensive simulation ofplant software programmed in ABB800xA platform. For simulation theteam uses Indiss Plus high Fidelity Simulator.
In addition, training shall be delivered to alarge crew of operators using Indiss Plussimulator.
Over 700 operationalprocedures shall be revisited to match the requirements of the newDCS ABB800xA, what means removing / adding tags, controllers,clarifications.
Procedurestranslation from English – Dutch and vice versa for projectpurposes is required.

During the plant turnaround multiple Commissioningand Startup activities will be executed. Successful candidate shallprovide support to operators, regarding new DCS applications, toensure smooth and safe startup of new DCS. For these activities theSenior Process Control Technicians will perform simulations andtesting of the new DCS applications.

The hiring period is expected to be 18 monthsstarting during Q1-2024. An extension of another 18 months isexpected by July 2025.


• Education level :Vocational
• Educationalspecialization:
- ProcessAutomation technician or
-Process Control technician or
-Programing technician (PLC, DCS) or
- Instrumentation technician

• MOD5 control system knowledge isrequired.
• Light hydrocarbonsprocess technology understanding is required.
• ABB800xA control system knowledge ispreferred.
• Dynamic simulationknowledge with Indiss-Plus software ispreferred.
• Operators trainingexperience is preferred.
•Former experience in commissioning and startup of projects isrequired.
• Procedurestranslation from English Dutch and vice versa for project purposesis required.
• Fluency in Dutchand English language.
• Thehiring period is expected to be 18 months starting during Q1-2024.An extension of another 18 months is expected by July2025.


Excellent terms, see our website.

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Senior Process Control Technician

Nouvall Engineering Services B.V.
Vast contract, Voltijds
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